Monday, April 24, 2006

Battle for the 21st, The Race To Replace Reidelbach

There are 2 democrats fighting for the nomination to run against the republican candidate to replace Linda Reidleback R-21st District.

They would be Dean Hernandez and Jean Herendeen Ackerman are both campaigning on an education platform, said platform can be summed up with the following sentence: Fix School Funding by increasing the income tax or state sales tax to give more money to school districts. I lifted the above sentence from a post on that was provided by Marc Schare who happens to be a current member of the Worthington Schools Board of Education.

The most interesting thing happened after Marc left that post, he was contacted by the husband of the candidate (nothing like hiring our to take care of your own problems, he will be a very busy puppy IF she can find her way to the statehouse) at which time Mr. Ackerman did his best to bully Marc at which time the original poster left the the following post.

Lest you think that Columbus Town Hall is not read by the powers that be, I received an email this morning from the Herendeen Ackerman campaign stating, in very strong terms, that Ms. Herendeen Ackerman is not advocating a tax increase of any kind. Marc Schare

I took time yesterday to check out both of these candidate's sites and learned a few interesting things.

Mr. Hernandez is a veteran who is a financial advisor for a small family owned company in Columbus. While Jean Ackerman is currently a teacher in the Hamilton Twp School district.

What struck me the hardest was Jean Ackermans hard attack on charter schools. Yet at the same time as a worthington resident she hid her opposition to the current school levy that will be considered on May 2nd, 2006.

She claims to have attend 2 public forums the school district had to receive taxpayers input, she alledges to have spoken out against the current levy request (that is on the ballot to be voted on May 2nd, 2006) was no where to be found at the school board meeting the night the same board approved for placement on the ballot. She was no where in sight to express her alledged opposition to the levy's placement on the ballot.

She or someone within her campaign penned a letter to the editor espousing her opposition to the school levy, which is hard for me to believe that a union member that teachs in another school district would come out in opposition against a levy within her home school district. Mr. Hernandez has recieved the endorsement of the OEA unlike Jean Ackerman.

Considering all the money the NEA and it's many state & local variants spend do they need another lobbyist to further their agenda on the state level within the statehouse?

Since the current NEA president has made it perfectly clear that he could care less where the money for his member's future raises come from is there a need for another union lobbyist within the state legislature?

No candidate can serve 2 masters and since the taxpayers could possibly elect her to do the job they ask is there anyway she can keep her master's within the teacher's unions happy yet looking out for the best interest of the taxpayers? In order to keep the 2nd set of masters she to whom she would be holden to their only true interest is that they recieve more money and that would only be accomplished by raising taxes on the state & local level.

I would encourage everyone to remember the unions don't help people for free and since there is no free lunch they would expect this mother of 2 to make sure she produces more money for them otherwise from past experience they would expect her to supply their members with more money.

I did notice this morning on my drive through worthington that someone had placed her campaign signs at state route 315 at the intersection of hard road. Which is illegal.

When asked on Sunday about answering the taxpayer's questions at the campaign's answer were as follows:

In case you haven't noticed, there is an election on. There are other things to do.

I feel disenfranchised after that remark from her campaign.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Political agitator Kabaka Oba dies

Having recently been back to downtown Cincy here are my observations. The Cincinnati police like the Columbus Police merely practice trend crime solving and it's a real shame because here in Columbus residents are being robbed by armed individuals right outside of their own abodes.

Until the taxpayers within the OTR decide they've had enough of the black on black genocide nothing will change. It's so sad that in both Columbus & Cincinnati that the thinning of near age mentors of the black community rages on. Kabaka Oba reaped the seeds of malcontent that he had sowen for so long within the community.

Ladies & Gentlemen boys & girls of all ages the numbers don't lie, the many numerous deceased are those who've paid the price for the racist & anti-semetic comments that've flown forth from Kabaka Oba's mouth.You cannot have it both ways either you do or do not want your local police officers to help make your neighborhoods safe for all to live in.

Civil lawsuits and constant threats towards officers & their families only results these officers waiting for trajedy to strike before exiting their cruisers. Now that Kabaka Oba has what he asked for who will now fill that place within OTR.

Do not blame those who visit OTR for the many illegal activities that continue to flourish there. If those with OTR would finally decide they would take control of their community the drug dealing would come to a stop and that community has noone except themselves to blame for being held hostage while a few ragtag $1 thugs ruin their chances to a better life.

The bottom line is IF you don't want the suburbanites coming to OTR to buy their drugs don't allow the dealers to sell it there, the community must force them out.

I've seen postings of "the black fist" activities and the blame shifting it's no wonder OTR is in the shape that it is. This is something that cannot be blamed on anyone except those who allow the activities that flourish in open site as they do. It will now be interesting to see what becomes of "the black fist".